Educational Leadership Development Program

The Educational Leadership Development Program (ELDP) is a two-year program dedicated to fostering pedagogical and educational leadership advancements among school administrators and education officials in Uzbekistan. ELDP is committed to enhancing the professional capacities and educational leadership skills of administrators through targeted professional development opportunities facilitated by U.S. universities.

Within the ELDP curriculum, modules are designed by a U.S. university, covering topics such as strategic school growth, student engagement, positive behavioral strategies, and the pivotal role of principals as educational leaders. The program will recruit and train 28 public school principals and vice-principals from various regions in Uzbekistan, equipping them with the skills and knowledge in the EDLP curriculum.

ELDP aims to train principals to become trainers themselves, with the ability to deliver the ELDP curriculum to their peers and colleagues in the field. With the help of a technical expert, ELDP principals will provide professional development courses to another 280 public school principals and vice-principals from all 14 regions of Uzbekistan.

In collaboration with the implementing U.S. university, ELDP will offer a professional development program for 14 participants, providing a transformative two-week experience in the U.S. during the Fall 2025. Participants will engage in collaborative initiatives with U.S. counterparts, observe school administration practices, and delve deeper into the course topics.

The program includes meetings with public education administrators and culminates in developing a joint project to be presented at the final conference in Uzbekistan in late 2025. The closing conference will provide participants with the opportunity to share their learnings, report the impact of their action plans to the broader Ministry of Preschool and School Education (MoPSE) community, and advocate for the next phase of educational reforms in Uzbekistan.

ELDP is funded by Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan and is implemented by American Councils.