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English Speaking Nation Program Trains Over 18,000 Teachers in Uzbekistan

ESN Teachers in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan – A remarkable milestone was recently achieved in Uzbekistan's educational landscape as the English Speaking Nation (ESN) program concluded with the successful training of over 18,000 English teachers. This monumental effort enhanced the language proficiency of educators and supported the delivery of high-quality English instruction to secondary school students nationwide. Culminating in a closing ceremony on April 20, this four-year, $7 million program stands as a testament to the commitment to educational excellence in Uzbekistan.

Launched in November 2019, ESN is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent and the Uzbekistan Ministry of Preschool and School Education (MoPSE) and implemented by American Councils. The program provided intensive professional development opportunities for English language public school teachers throughout the Republic of Uzbekistan. ESN, in partnership with MoPSE, regional training centers, and other stakeholders, aimed to equip Uzbekistan’s youth with essential English language skills for effective participation in the 21st-century economy.



Employing a cascading model, the program involved teacher-to-teacher training, professional development sessions for secondary school English teachers, and a mentoring program fostering peer support among educators. Following rigorous English language training, 452 teachers received internationally recognized certificates from the TESOL International Association (TESOL) and George Mason University (GMU), with the final cohort of 66 teachers completing their TESOL training in March.

ESN Teachers CelebratingFurthermore, 693 English teachers underwent a specialized 60-hour course to qualify as trainers and mentors, establishing a network of educational leaders throughout Uzbekistan. These individuals imparted their knowledge to teachers from all regions of the country, impacting over 18,000 educators in total.

ESN participants received praise from school principals for their innovative teaching methods, resulting in notable improvements in students’ language proficiency. Surveys conducted among ESN participants revealed increased confidence in using English in teaching, enhanced lesson planning skills, improved student learning outcomes, and the emergence of teacher leaders within school communities

Ambassador Jonathan Henick, U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan, commended ESN for its innovative teaching methods, which have resulted in students demonstrating increased English proficiency and stronger language skills.

Ms. Zara Hovhannisyan, Director of Teacher Programs, with ESN TeacherMs. Zara Hovhannisyan, Director of Teacher Programs at American Councils, emphasized the transformative impact of ESN. “Teachers formed groups of reflective practitioners who are enthusiastic about sharing their newly acquired pedagogical skills, not only with English language teachers but also with educators of other subjects.”

Ms. Dildora Ashurova, a Core Teacher Trainer from Bukhara, Uzbekistan highlighted ESN’s role in empowering teachers to develop pedagogical skills and classroom English language proficiency, enabling them to grow professionally and become respected figures within their communities.

Teachers thanked the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, the Uzbekistan Ministry of Preschool and School Education, TESOL, GMU, and American Councils for the invaluable experience provided by the ESN program. The initiative has fostered an international community of educators equipped with enhanced English teaching skills and a profound sense of pride.

ESN Uzbekistan Group Photo

American Councils reaffirms its commitment to advancing education globally and celebrates the dedication and achievements of educators, recognizing their significant impact on inspiring and educating future generations of English learners across Uzbekistan.

For more information about ESN please visit: https://www.esn-teachers.org/.

For inquiries, please email esn@americancouncils.org or contact the program via Telegram at @ESNProgram.