Across the Globe

This Month's Reading Recommendations

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Recommended reads on international education and language learning from around the Web. 

Why Learning a Foreign Language Requires Complete Immersion
The Huffington Post

Writing from her perspective as an undergraduate student at Indiana University, Allison Underhill shares why she believes immersion is key to truly learning a language. Underhill writes: "The biggest factor that prohibits people from learning a foreign language is fear. This is especially prevalent in the classroom environment In the immersion environment, you have to kick fear to the curb. Making mistakes becomes your sole way of learning."

Recognizing that not all language learners have access to immersion environments, Underhill also suggests ways to practice your target language in your local community.

US Government to Launch Study Abroad Branch
The Pie News

The US Department of State recently announced plans to launch a study abroad branch that will push for diversity among study abroad participants, promote non-traditional destinations, and build partnerships with foreign governments. The goal? To increase the quantity and quality of study abroad experiences for American students.

Why People With Multicultural Experience Are More Creative
Fast Company

Research by Adam Galinsky and his colleagues at Columbia Business School suggest that immersion in another culture encourages people to consider alternatives to the way things are currently done, and that they are able to see situations from multiple perspectives ultimately developing more creativity than people without multicultural experience.